
Clean-up Unnecessary Plugin RSS Feed in WordPress Database

Previously we look at on how to Clean up Comment Meta in WordPress Database. If you would like to optimize your database further you may want to Cleanup Unnecessary Plugin RSS Feed as well.

Remember to backup your database prior to removing these entries.

Once done with the database backup log in to phpMyAdmin, select the right database & click on “SQL” menu on the top.

DELETE FROM wp_options WHERE option_name
LIKE '_transient_timeout_rss%';


DELETE FROM wp_options WHERE option_name
LIKE '_transient_rss_%';


DELETE FROM wp_options WHERE option_name
LIKE '_transient_timeout_feed_%';


DELETE FROM wp_options WHERE option_name
LIKE '_transient_feed_%';

How to Change Media Upload Folder in WordPress 3.5

Since version 3.5, WordPress no longer allow user to change media upload folder from admin dashboard. To change user have to edit  “wp-config.php” file located in wordpress intallation folder

If you want to change the upload folder like, you have to add the following code in “wp-config.php”

define( 'UPLOADS', 'wp-content/'.'images' );

If you want to change the upload folder like, you have to add the following code in “wp-config.php”

define( 'UPLOADS', ''.'images' );

You can still choose whether or not you want uploaded files to be organized in month/year folders in Settings » Media.