
Increase MySQL Maximum No Connection in CentOS VPS

In you have rather busy VPS, the default MYSQL Maximum No Connection maybe not sufficient. To increase follow the steps below.

1. SSH to your VPS

2. Check the current maximum no connection limit

echo "show variables like 'max_connections';" | mysql

3. Edit my MySQL file. Remember to backup your /etc/my.cnf prior to that.

vi /etc/my.cnf

4. Add or edit connection limit in the MySQL configuration file

max_connections = 250

5. Save MySQL configuration file

6. Restart mySQL

service mysql restart

7. Confirm the new maximum no connection limit

echo "show variables like 'max_connections';" | mysql

Update the Latest Version of LiteSpeed PHP LSAPI in cPanel/WHM

There is new version of LiteSpeed and LiteSpeed PHP LSAPI. So you went ahead to upgrade LiteSpeed in LiteSpeed admin Panel or LiteSpeed plugins page in WHM. The process is rather fast but you may see that LiteSpeed PHP LSAPI my not upgraded to the latest version.

To solve this problem you need to rebuild PHP with LSAPI.

To do this login to WHM and follow the path below.

WHM → LiteSpeed Web Server → Build Matching PHP Binary → Tick Confirmation Check box → Click Next

The process may take a few minutes. By the time it is done, you should have the latest version of LiteSpeed PHP LSAPI.