
Fix cPanel cpmove “Cannot restore. That user already exists on this system”

I’m trying to restore user cpmove backup file in cPanel/WHM system but the following error message come out

Cannot restore. That user already exists on this system

The first step is to check whether the similar username already exist. If it is, you have to terminate the similar account.

If you have the same problem as me where the similar username does not exist or already terminated, but the same error came out, you need to force restore.

To do this, you need to log-in to SSH as root & issue the following command

/scripts/restorepkg --force [username]

Make sure the cpmove file already in /home directory.

How to Modify CloudLinux LVE Limit

I’m using CloudLinux as server OS in OnApp Cloud Platform. Although I’m the only user in the server, I like CloudLinux for system stability as my website regularly under DOS/DDOS attack. However, I would like to use the resource as much as possible & not the default setting.

The best way to control LVE limits is using LVE Manager or lvectl command line tool. The limits are saved in /etc/container/ve.cfg. In other word, we can modify this file directly to modify limit.

Below is the sample of ve.cfg

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
		<cpu limit="25"/>
		<ncpu limit="1"/>
		<io limit="1024"/>
		<mem limit="262144"/>
		<other maxentryprocs="20"/>
		<pmem limit="262144"/>
		<nproc limit="0"/>
	<lve id="501">
		<cpu limit="95"/>
		<ncpu limit="4"/>
		<io limit="102400"/>
		<mem limit="524288"/>
		<other maxentryprocs="100"/>
		<pmem limit="524288"/>
		<nproc limit="100"/>

For the user id, 501 the resource allocated is as follow

<cpu limit="95"/>			-> CPU usage limit is 95%
<ncpu limit="4"/>			-> Number of CPU limit is 4
<io limit="102400"/>			-> IO limit is 102400 kB/s
<mem limit="524288"/>			-> Virtual memory limit is 524288 kB
<other maxentryprocs="100"/>		-> Number of Entry Processes limit is 100
<pmem limit="524288"/>			-> Physical Memory limit is 524288 kB
<nproc limit="100"/>			-> Number of Processes limit is 100