Working With MySQL Database and Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is a very good software for working with a large amount of data. It has many powerful features for data manipulating.

It is very beneficial to work with MySQL database within Microsoft Excel. Fortunately, Oracle the creator of MySQL has Microsoft Excel plugin.

MySQL for Excel enables you to work with a MySQL database from within Microsoft Excel. MySQL data can be imported into Excel, Excel data can be exported into MySQL as a new table or appended to a current table, and MySQL for Excel enables you to edit the MySQL data directly from within Excel.

To use this plugins make sure you white-list your IP in remote MySQL option.

To download this FREE plugin browse to

Manual for MySQL for Excel can be found in this page

Fix cPanel cpmove “Cannot restore. That user already exists on this system”

I’m trying to restore user cpmove backup file in cPanel/WHM system but the following error message come out

Cannot restore. That user already exists on this system

The first step is to check whether the similar username already exist. If it is, you have to terminate the similar account.

If you have the same problem as me where the similar username does not exist or already terminated, but the same error came out, you need to force restore.

To do this, you need to log-in to SSH as root & issue the following command

/scripts/restorepkg --force [username]

Make sure the cpmove file already in /home directory.