Recent Listing Sidebox in phpMyDirectory is very long because it contains listing address & short description. I prefer short sidebox hence I want to remove listing address & short description.
To do this, need to edit 2 files.
Under the “// RECENT” section find the following
$results[$key]['link'] = $PMDR->get('Listings')->getURL($value['id'],$value['friendly_url']);
Add the following code directly above it.
$results[$key]['nodetails'] = 1;
blocks/sidebox_listings.tpl file in template directory
Find the following
<span class="listing_sidebox_location"><?php echo $this->escape($listing['address']); ?></span><br /> <span class="listing_sidebox_description"><?php echo $this->escape_html($listing['description_short']); ?></span><br />
Replace it with the code below
<?php if($listing['nodetails'] != 1) { ?> <span class="listing_sidebox_location"><?php echo $this->escape($listing['address']); ?></span><br /> <span class="listing_sidebox_description"><?php echo $this->escape_html($listing['description_short']); ?></span><br /> <?php } ?>