D-link DNS-320

Install Transmission BitTorrent Client on Dlink DNS-320

This guides assume you already have fun_plug 0.5 installed and running.

This guides are divided into 3 main section namely download packages, install & configure.


Transmission v2.82

Curl v7.18


1. Run PuTTY and log into DNS-320

2. Change directory to “/mnt/HD/HD_a2” & copy both packages into “/ffp/pkg” folder.

3. Install Curl

funpkg -i /ffp/pkg/curl-7.18.1.tgz

3. Install Transmission

funpkg -i /ffp/pkg/transmission-2.82-1.tgz


1. Edit Transmission start script to change home directory setting

vi /ffp/start/transmission.sh

Look for


Change to


Save the file.

2. Configure by issuing the following command. Make sure you change USERNAME & PASSWORD to your preferred username & password.

su nobody -c "/ffp/bin/transmission-daemon -f -g /mnt/HD/HD_a2/.transmission-daemon -w /mnt/HD/HD_a2/Downloads -t -u USERNAME -v PASSWORD -a,192.168.*.*"

Wait for a while, transmission should be up and running.

3. Verify that transmission is running properly by opening transmission web interface. Type http://<your NAS IP>:9091/ in your browser to access the Web interface. After entering username & password you should see torrent que page.

4. You may now press CTRL-C in putty terminal & issue the following command to start transmission

/ffp/start/transmission.sh start

5. If you need to change the configuration such as to white list IPs to connect to Transmission Client, you may edit the following file


7. You may want to download Transmission Remote GUI for Windows, Linux or Mac OS X.

How to Install Lighttpd & PHP on Dlink DNS-320

I just obtain my new D-link DNS-320 NAS Storage which supposed to replace my older DNS-323 that died recently. As before, I need to install Webserver Lighttpd & PHP. This guide assumed that you have installed Fonz fun_plug in your DNS-320. This guide should work on D-link DNS-325 as well.

I choose fonz fun_plug version 0.5 instead of version 0.7 as I am unable to get it working correctly.

This guides are divided into 3 main section namely download packages, install, configure & finishing up. I also include some optional guides.


1. Download lighttpd packages

2. Download PHP packages


1. Run PuTTY and log into DNS-320

2. Change directory to “/mnt/HD/HD_a2” & create “pkg” folder inside “ffp” folder. If you are copying from a Windows PC you may need to set permission to copy.

cd /mnt/HD/HD_a2
mkdir -p /ffp/pkg
chmod -R 0777 /ffp/pkg

3. Copy all packages downloaded above into the folder “/ffp/pkg

4. Update & install Lighttpd packages

funpkg -u /ffp/pkg/lighttpd-1.4.29-1.tgz
funpkg -i /ffp/pkg/openssl-0.9.8k-1.tgz

5. Install PHP packages

funpkg -i /ffp/pkg/php-5.2.17-3.tgz
funpkg -i /ffp/pkg/curl-7.23.0-1.tgz
funpkg -i /ffp/pkg/libiconv-1.12-3.tgz


1. Create all folders required by Lighttpd

mkdir -p /ffp/opt/srv/mysql
mkdir -p /ffp/opt/srv/www/pages
mkdir -p /ffp/opt/srv/www/logs
mkdir -p /ffp/opt/srv/tmp

2. Create a symbolic link

ln -s /ffp/opt/srv/ /srv

3. Symbolik link above will be lost when you restart your DNS-320. To make it permanent, edit “/ffp/etc/fun_plug.init” file. If you are editing it from a Windows PC you may need to set permission to edit.

chmod 0777 /ffp/etc/fun_plug.init

4. Open your favoutrite text editor (don’t use notepad or it will corrupt the files) and open “/ffp/etc/fun_plug.init” file. Add the following at the end.

ln -s /ffp/opt/srv/ /srv

5.  Copy Lighttpd & PHP configuration files

cp /ffp/etc/examples/lighttpd.conf-dns320 /ffp/etc/lighttpd.conf
cp /ffp/etc/examples/php.ini-wolfuli /ffp/etc/php.ini

6. Stating up Lighttpd webserver

chmod a+x /ffp/start/lighttpd.sh
chmod a+x /ffp/start/kickwebs_dns320.sh
sh /ffp/start/kickwebs_dns320.sh start
sh /ffp/start/lighttpd.sh start

Finishing up

1. Your Lighttpd with PHP support should be running by now. Root folder of the web server is located at “/ffp/opt/srv/www/pages“. Test it by create a file named “index.php” which contains the following.

<h1>This is normal HTML</h1>
But the <u>following table</u> is generated by PHP:

2. Open web browser and point it to “http://dns320-ip/“. Change “dns320-ip” to your DNS-320 IP address. You should see both notmal HTML & PHP generated output. Your DNS-320 admin page had move to “http://dns320-ip:81/”


1. For me, I would like to change Lighttpd port to “8080” & revert back admin page to port “80“. To do this, I need to edit “/ffp/etc/lighttpd.conf” file. If you are editing it from a Windows PC you may need to set permission to edit.

chmod 0777 /ffp/etc/lighttpd.conf

i. Find the following

server.port = 80

and change it to

server.port = 8080

ii. Find the following

$SERVER["socket"] == ":81" {

and change it to

$SERVER["socket"] == ":80" {

2. I also would like to enable directory listing. On the same “/ffp/etc/lighttpd.conf” file.

i. Find the following

#dir-listing.activate        = "enable"

and change it to

dir-listing.activate        = "enable"

3. To apply the changes, you have to restart Lighttpd.

sh /ffp/start/lighttpd.sh restart

4. By now, your web server serving port should change to “8080” and admin page port back to “80“. Test it on your web browser.